Internal document storage systems can very easily slip into disorganised chaos. This seriously impacts on your staff’s time as they try to track down archived documents. The cost can be enormous if you have to conduct an onsite VAT or tax investigation.
By allowing Rocolo to manage your document storage, you increase space in your own offices and can have easy access to your documents whenever required. Your document might be offsite but it will never have been closer to hand.
Rocolo secure document storage
Rocolo’s suite of services includes:
- Storage preparation and indexing, enabling fast retrieval of paper documents
- Document scanning offering immediate offsite viewing
- Meeting facilities enabling you to conduct any sensitive random VAT or tax enquiry away from your office premises with your paper documents at hand along with instantly viewable PDF versions. This speeds up the process and instils confidence in the investigator, keeping any professional accountancy fees to a minimum.
- End of life secure shredding at our premises. Shredded paper is recycled and we sponsor Tree Appeal to plant a tree on your behalf*, providing you with a recycled certificate of secure destruction.
* based upon a minimum quantity of documents